How to Thrive After Crisis — Are You Ready?

Save the date: March 26, at 11:00 a.m. (CET).
Thank you for reading the Weekly Musing. We are passionate about the future and how companies become future-ready.
I invite you to join us on March 26 for a virtual meetup at IMD. My research team and I will unpack how organizations are emerging stronger despite the Covid crisis. How do leaders pursue new opportunities when resources are scarce? How do they pivot toward a better future?
Don’t wait. Sign up here.👇
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Curiosity Lost? Here’s How to Stimulate It
Curiosity starts with an inquisitive mind. We’re all born with it. Infants prefer to look at new pictures, not familiar ones. As we grow older, some still enjoy mentally challenging activities more than easy ones. It’s a personality trait that psychologists call the “need for cognition.” It measures how much people love to think deeply, regardless of monetary reward.
Are you ready to find out yours?
Here’s How You Can Judge a Leader’s Narrative: Five Charts
Everyone wants to tell their own version of the story. That was my feeling after I read Hot Seat by Jeff Immelt, the former head of the once-mighty General Electric. The company is a shell of its former self. Under Immelt’s watch, GE lost $500 billion in value. But it’s easy to play Monday morning quarterback. Without hindsight, any critic will make the same mistakes. Here’s what my research team found out after putting together five different graphs.
Two Charts That Explain How Mastercard and Visa Have Become Future-Proof
Disruption is everywhere, and that includes the world of finance. 2020 was a year for fintech innovation, and Covid-19 was the accelerant. When people shop at home, electronic payments take off. When people stop visiting banks, they manage their finances online.
At IMD’s Center For Future Readiness, we have been tracking how ready financial institutions are for a changing future. Here’s a glimpse into our latest 2021 ranking.